So, you’re coming to Covenant University

Ayooluwaposi Olomo
4 min readApr 1, 2022


The entrance of Covenant University

I went to a bank during the 2020 Christmas Holiday, and I saw a woman who was there to pay her child’s CU school fees. I just looked at her and smiled. Before we get into the juicy jist of the school named CU, let’s address some rumors:

“CU is Stressful”

Yes, it is, and No, it isn’t. You will have more responsibilities compared to that of other Universities. There will be times you will have to drop everything you are doing and head to the Chapel for a sudden event because you received information late. No, it is not, who am I kidding, YES IT IS.

“Chapel is Compulsory”

Yes, yes, and yes.

“They don’t allow phones”

Yes, better go on a phone fast so you can get used to being away from your phones.

“CU students are proud”

Yes, we are. We are not arrogant, but we have pride in the fact that we have gone through so many battles and hurdles, and we are still surviving.

You being in CU is a favorable thing and a miracle. CU has a LOT more to offer than academics and (Sorry to say, but) you would be a fool to only collect your certificate and dip.

What does CU have to offer?

CU is a place to connect to God

Some people have a low connection with God. With the number of chapel days and the different messages being preached, it would be a shame if you blocked your ears and heart to God. Open it up to him, and he will turn your life around.

CU is a place to meet people

CONNECT CONNECT AND CONNECT. See, in this life it is the people you know. If you are a brilliant person and you don’t know anybody, yes, you MIGHT get a good job, but you would have gotten a BETTER job if you knew PEOPLE. So many people pass through CU without connecting with people, even their roommates, and it’s so sad.

CU is a place to receive blessings

YES, I don’t even know where to begin. Should I start from God changing SS to AA, God mending the marriage of people’s parents, God revealing people’s purposes to them. See, when the pastors preach, open your heart and receive, key into the words of Papa and the other pastors. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

CU is a place to grow your talents

The bible says “To whom much is given, much will be required”. There are DIFFERENT avenues to grow your talents, from EDS Practical to HSL Talent Pool. Lemme quickly plug you guys to HSL Talent Pool. They are a community where Creators, Creatives and Executors come together to not only build their skills but find like-minded people and connect with one another. Even if you don’t know how to do anything, come and learn a skill of your choice.

Register below:

CU is a place to grow personally and contribute to society

See, there are so many opportunities that people miss because they undermine their ability to change their lives. Take, for example, the library. GUYS, the library has MANY MANY books, go and read them. There is even a chaplaincy e-library for those wanting to grow spiritually. What about the opportunities announced by the “Student Affairs” for students to be involved in National and International competitions and meet mentors through different workshops and conferences? What of ENACTUS CU, a platform empowering students to develop and grow ideas that solve problems Nationwide or Internationally that correlate to the UN SDG goals.


Overall CU is an excellent place to study. I made this post because I am in 400 level, you are just coming in, and I think it is essential that you know what you’re getting into and how to make the best use of your opportunities. I am doing this because I wish someone did this for me.

If you’d like to know more about how to study effectively and graduate with a first-class. Check out my post “Tips on how to graduate with a First Class from CU”. Everything written in that post was what raised my GPA from a 3.8 to a 4.82 in just 1 semester. I’ve said my own.

I’ll see you all in school.

If you’d like to contact me, this is my IG handle posi_olomo. I’d love to hear from you all and answer all your questions.



Ayooluwaposi Olomo

Machine Learning Engineer who is madly in love with ML and currently on a journey to find her place in the industry.