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So, you’re going on SIWES

Ayooluwaposi Olomo


In your penultimate year in a University in Nigeria, you are required to spend an entire semester in the field and gain some practical knowledge. To be very honest, during this period a lot of us learn skills that we build our livelihoods on after graduation. It is a very sensitive period in the life of an undergraduate. I am in my ultimate year in school and I still wish someone had given me tips concerning SIWES.



Some of you have gotten placement due to your parent’s connections, Congratulations.

Some of you have placements that you got yourself, you should be proud, that is not an easy thing to do.

Some of you do not have placements and that is okay.

A few of you know the industry that you want to work in and a few of you don’t. For the few that do not, this is what you need to do.

  1. Figure out what it is that you want to be/do in the future
  2. Find a company that is involved in that or employs that particular service
  3. Reach out and message people who work in that company. Ask about their experience working in that company, the company culture and advice on applying to the company. If there are alumni’s from your school working there, message them first. (LinkedIn is a great tool for this)
  4. Apply to the company and let them know that you have applied

For those whose dream jobs sadly do not correspond to their course, you can either

  1. Apply at a company that has both roles and apply for your dream role. You can take an hour from your time to go to your course role and fill up your logbook and be back to your dream role
  2. Apply to a company that offers only your course role and take out time during work to work on your dream role

You do not have a lot of time

You don’t. You might not realize it yet but you are going to work. You are going to be up by 5 and out of the house by 6 so as to beat traffic and arrive early at work before 8 o’clock. Most work places close by 5PM, after beating traffic, you should be home around 7PM. This occurs from Monday to Friday and some workplaces even open on Saturdays. The only free day you have is Saturday and Sunday.

You don’t have to be hard working at work

This is true. At your place of work, they do not expect much from you because you are still a student. If you do the bare minimum, they might not complain but you are not helping yourself. During the 6 months that you will be with them, it is important that you leave a good impression.

On getting to your workplace, look at the different departments and decide the one you’d like to work in. Ensure it is a department that will push you to be better and teach you the required skills you wish to learn. Go out of your way to learn and ask a lot of questions. A lot of companies give their hard-working interns “LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION” and this is helpful in securing another job.

Be more realistic with the time you allot to your SIWES goals

  1. Write down 10 things that you would like to accomplish this SIWES
  2. Now cross out 5 of those things.
  3. Those 5 things you’ve left on your list are the things you will actually accomplish.
  4. Assign a reasonable amount of time to them, considering your 5AM-7PM job and your 10PM-5AM Daily Sleep.

Connect and maintain work relationships

I definitely did not connect during my SIWES. During my send forth, they complained that I was quiet and did not relate to anyone in the office. Do not be me, relate to different people from different departments. It’s important to form healthy relationships with your co-workers. This opens up a lot of opportunities for you leading to career growth.

You are being watched

You might not know this but people are looking at you. Make sure you look neat, dress corporate if that’s the required attire. Keep the workspace assigned to you clean and tidy. Ensure you relate well with everyone and do not get involved in office drama; it is not worth it.



Ayooluwaposi Olomo

Machine Learning Engineer who is madly in love with ML and currently on a journey to find her place in the industry.