How to read faster and better

Sometimes reading takes ages, and it feels like you haven’t read anything at the end of the day. Today I’m going to be talking about how to read faster and better:
1. Have a designated reading spot:
Stop reading on your bed; you’re going to sleep.
2. Have a separate book for classwork and assignments:
When you have a single book designated for only assignments and classwork, you can easily go through them.
3. Start with past questions:
Glance through the past questions first, so you will begin to note the answers to some of the questions when you start reading.
4. Write your notes in “question-answer” format:
For example, instead of just copying the pdf straight into your notes, you can do this instead.
Q: What are the three types of soil?
A: sand, silt and clay
I always advise this because it conditions your brain to think in a question-answer basis, so you will easily recollect the answers during your exams.
5. Have a foolscap sheet where you summarize the entire note:
During exams, you may not carry everything with you so carrying 1–3 foolscap sheets that you can just glance through before the exam is beneficial.
6. Make notes:
Please, when you are reading, take organized notes.
7. Assign short time intervals:
Read for 30 minutes to 1 or 2 hours. Reading for 3 hours or more is very draining, and I do not advise you to do that.
8. Take breaks when reading:
I would advise you to try the Pomodoro techniques, it is very helpful and effective. Find out more about it here:
9. Cram:
Sadly there are cases where will you have to cram; it is sad but necessary. Cram when you have to.
10. Get rid of distractions:
Switch off your phone, turn off the wifi and do whatever you can to stay focused, so you don’t waste time.
If you’d like to know how to better manage your time, check out
“How to hone your time management skills”